I’m still here, although I bet some of you were wondering. I’m not going to lie. I’ve been struggling recently. I’m still plugging along though, and the fact that I haven’t given up is something that delights me.
- High Weight: 290.2lb (May 2017)
- Current Weight: 246.6lb
- First Goal: 233.6lb (to get lower than I was in October 2018)
Yesterday marked one month since recommitting to keto, and to be totally honest, I broke a lot of promises to myself in that time. I promised NOPE (no off-plan eating), and that didn’t happen exclusively. I promised to work on meal prep instead of grazing, and that didn’t really happen either. Aside from losing five pounds in that month, and aside from not giving up entirely, I don’t feel like I have too many positive things to say.
All that being said, folks who know me know that I’m not one who gives up. I might tread water for a bit. I might backtrack some. I never give up entirely though. And typically, even as I’m struggling, I’m still looking for strategies to keep me moving in a positive direction. And that’s where you all find me this week.
It all started, I suppose, with an episode of The Survival Podcast (as things often do for me) where Jack interviewed chiropractor, Dr. Stephen Lewis from Green Wisdom Health. Dr. Lewis has been on Jack’s show before, but for some reason, this episode really struck a chord with me. The funny part about it though is that I almost didn’t listen to the episode.
As some of my readers know, last year was a real struggle for me. I found myself pondering whether or not I’d be able to find someone who could help me figure out the missing pieces to the puzzle that is me and my journey. While my doctor’s practice is awesome, they haven’t really been bringing anything new to the table, and after a disastrous consult with a rheumatologist last fall, I was feeling a little defeated. Listening to Dr. Lewis brought some new enthusiasm to the table for me though, and I plan to consult with him. I’m really excited about that.
After making that decision to head down that road, I also found it easier to focus on my food as well. Watching an episode of My 600-lb Life also helped to solidify my resolve. After all, if those folks could succeed with no prior low-carb or keto experience, what the heck is my excuse?
Lastly, finding the support of an online community that I didn’t even know existed has sealed the deal for me. I’ve participated in online low-carb/keto communities before, but most of them are filled with folks who’re looking for someone to fix them without taking any personal responsibility. I’m the only one who can fix me, but having the support of other like-minded individuals goes a long way toward helping there. I’m really excited!
In the end, I’m not giving up, guys! I’m here for the long haul, and I’m happy to share it, warts and all. What we do matters!