Transformation Day 2012: Update for 09/06/11

public domain image of a butterflyLast week was both trying and triumphant! You wouldn’t think that a 1.6lb gain would be considered “triumphant”, but it really was.

Yesterday marked six weeks into my Transformation Day 2012 challenge.  I weighed 265.8, 12lb lost since July 25.  At one point last week, I skated amazingly close to 15lb lost, but that was short-lived.

The week was trying as far as my food and weight were concerned because my weight kept fluctuating, and for the first time in weeks, I was craving things that I choose not to eat.  I just wasn’t feeling settled about my food, my eating, and my weight.  At times, it was tough to stick with my “just think about today” mantra, but I pulled through it.

I suspect that I was having issues last week because I ate pork chops four different times last week.  I love pork chops, and I got two packages cheap at Kroger.  Back in 2008 though, when I had a round of allergy tests run, I showed as slightly allergic to pork.  I’m guessing that’s what threw me off last week.  So this week, it’s back to my usual eggs, chicken, beef, and vegetables.

I consider last week triumphant because I made it through a trying week without giving up.  I kept talking to myself, encouraging myself, and putting one foot in front of the other.  For me, this is huge because in times past, if I would have experienced the craving and the scale bouncing, I would have just thrown in the towel.  Not last week though! I made it!

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One Response to Transformation Day 2012: Update for 09/06/11

  1. IHQSavings says:

    Good for you! : ) I started 5/14/11, and have lost 30 lbs. I am struggling as of late with everything, but I will get back on track.

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