Where Have I Been?

red question markI’m guessing that many of my readers questioned whether or not I’d given up on the blog.  And the truth is, I guess I had given up for a while.  I’ve been considering posting an update for the last three months, but I never got around to it until now, so here goes.

I suppose the issue that sidetracked my blog posts more than anything was my health.  To be honest, I was ashamed of my lack of progress with weight loss, and in hindsight, I’m pretty sure I was dealing with some depression too.  I felt pretty miserable for a while there, and sharing the fact that I was still failing was something I couldn’t really face then.

In an amazing turn of events though, I found a fantastic doctor, and back in March, we set out on a journey together that should change (and maybe save) my life.  I’ll write a separate blog post about all that, but suffice it to say, the last 3.5 months have been rough but productive.

We haven’t been slacking on the homestead either.  We have a stand-alone chicken coop on the property now that has 24 birds in it, we have a much larger garden this year, Fred’s accomplished some other projects, and I canned my first batch of spaghetti sauce with meat.  All those projects will have updates too, but I’ve been holding off since I don’t have photos.  Sure, people can read my words, but pictures speak so much louder!

We’ve also shared some amazing fellowship with some neighbors.  Their son attends Cub Scouts with Freddie, and we seem to share a lot of the same interests and ideas.  I think we’ve all benefitted from a sharing of time, talent, and treasure, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

When I started this blog, I intended to be honest.  I knew there’d be bumps and slips, but I thought, “OK, if I share that stuff, people will understand that I’m just another imperfect human.” We’ve made good progress on the homesteading and preparedness fronts, but the bump in the “getting healthy” road seemed a little too big for a while.

I wish I could tell a story that goes something like, “I read book X, I got motivated to change my life, I did what I was supposed to without fail, and I got where I needed to go without one slip,”, but that’s not my reality.  I thank God every day for my positive attitude though, because in the end, I don’t give up, even if it seems like I’ve stopped trying for a while.  In the end, the net direction is always forward rather than backward.

I’m definitely excited about the path ahead of me though.  For the first time in a long, LONG time, I feel like I’m actually doing something important.  I know there’ll be more bumps (or even mountains), but if anything, I’ve proved to myself that I always manage to come through the bumps with the same positive attitude.  What I do matters, and I never forget that!

Great things are coming.  Stay tuned! :)

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2 Responses to Where Have I Been?

  1. j.bradbury says:

    That is perfectly understandable. I am glad you are on a better path.

  2. Thank you.

    I guess I have to remember that even when things are going badly, I still need to post. If I sanitize the journey — only include the good stuff — then it doesn’t seem as impressive to me by the time I get where I’m going. There’s also the risk too, I suppose, of just dropping off into nothingness because I couldn’t get my act together, and I certainly don’t want to do that!

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