Working on the Site

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know why posts will be sparse for the next few days.  I’m in the process of making some changes to my site.  Most of it is busy work, to be honest, but it’s time-consuming.

Also, I want to remind folks that I’m active on Facebook, so check us out over there to get some updates that don’t always make it on the blog.

Thanks for being patient with me, folks.  I want to make this site the best that it can be for all of you, and since I didn’t plan well when I started my blog on, I have a lot of back-pedaling to do in some ways.  Thanks for understanding though.  I love you guys!

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2 Responses to Working on the Site

  1. Good luck with the updates. I’m doing the same thing myself this weekend.

  2. I don’t think I’m going to need luck. I’ll just need some patience for busy work and a browser that wants to keep crashing. I’ll get it done though.

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